Claudia Shekufendeh

Claudia Shekufendeh

Team Relations Manager, XPRIZE Wildfire

Excited to join XPRIZE as Team Relations Manager for the Wildfires competition, Claudia brings 10 years of experience working with the United Nations and International Non-Governmental Organizations in development and humanitarian emergency contexts such as South Sudan, Cameroon, Mali and Côte d'Ivoire, delivering on program strategy, donor relations, grant-writing, resource mobilization, and communications. Prior to her work at the United Nations, she worked in Communications and Business Development for D-Orbit, a space logistics startup.

She holds a MSc degree in Carbon Management from the University of Edinburgh and a B.A. Degree in International Relations from the University of California, Davis. 

When Claudia is not working to advance solutions that can drive the world towards a more sustainable future for all, you can find her on the open road bikepacking. Her dream is to cycle the Silk Road in one go.